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  • michelle m. davis

Trusting Ourselves

I don’t know about you, but lately I’ve become a bit too reliant on others for information. Whether searching for a quick fact or contemplating a deeper understanding, I’ve noticed I’m quick to go elsewhere for knowledge instead of asking myself the difficult questions.

I did this last night while my husband and I were watching Ted Lasso – my new favorite show. I thought Coach Beard looked familiar and wanted to know who he was. So, I went on my phone’s browser and typed in my question. Within seconds, I had the answer, right on the screen in front of me. For minimal effort I quickly discovered the actor’s name. Plus, I found pictures and links, granting me access to additional tidbits about this person, more information than I had originally imagined.

While this is a typical and quite harmless way of going outside of ourselves to find what we do not know, I’ve become aware of how often I search elsewhere for answers. Our advanced technology only facilitates our impatient desire to know — right now. After all, gone are the encyclopedias that once filled the shelves of my parents’ den. And I cannot remember the last time I visited a library to research a topic using a card catalogue. Most often, what we need can be found in a second by searching our devices.

Yet, quick access to information has drawbacks. The ease of obtaining immediate knowledge from outside sources leads to not trusting that we already know, especially when dealing with complex or important wonderings.

Of course, instant searches have their place. In no way am I asking anyone to turn off Siri or delete their favorite browser. However, it’s important to reflect upon on how we acquire true knowledge — the understandings that guide our motives, desires, and actions. Instead of looking elsewhere, why don’t we trust our intuition? You know, the voice inside — not the inner voice which can be overly critical — rather our knowing, the source of messages that lead us towards our higher self.

As our world’s become more digitized, have we subconsciously turned off our intuition only to depend on others to tell us what we may already know? Have we stopped trusting ourselves, handing our power to those around us?

Intuition cannot be proven. We can only trust that it has our best interest at heart. And our intuition is not "on demand" — we are incapable of summonsing it at a moment’s notice. For intuition to properly function, we must create an environment that is conducive to looking within. This requires that we slow down and become present. Because if we’re distracted — multitasking or thinking about what’s next — there’s little chance we’ll hear our intuition’s soft murmurings. It’s when we pause and calm our mind that we become aware, noticing the intuitive voice within. Really, it’s that simple.

I rely on my intuition when writing. Sure, if I need a quick fact check, I will go online to find the answer. But when I’m challenged with the story line or struggling with a character, I’ll take a moment to sit, allowing my mind to rest from the day’s activities so it can open to new possibilities. It’s during these periods that thoughts arise, dots connect, and resolutions appear from nowhere. But they do come from someplace — they evolve from my intuition.

Intuition serves us in many ways, if we allow it to. However, many of us — myself included —have fallen into the comfortable trap of asking others for their opinions and guidance instead of digging deep within to find our own solution. Whether it be friends, family members, teachers, or even self-help books, our tendency is to look outside for answers to our problems before we take a moment to stop what we’re doing and consider the question.

What if instead of relying on others, we looked within ourselves for the solutions?

Of course, we’re not going to hear the immediate feedback that those in our support network may freely offer. Nor will we be directed to a particular page to reference in a book or address for a website. When we quiet our minds and seek to find our own answers, we must be patient for guidance to appear. Yet, experience has taught me that when I slow down, trust myself, and ask, the information I receive is spot on.

There are always those sage individuals whose wisdom we trust implicitly. I recently started calling these people Yodas as my husband and I have discovered a new love for watching Star Wars movies. I admit to having relied heavily on several Yodas over the years, especially the past eleven months. But I’ve learned it’s now my job to find the truth within me. I have everything necessary, if only I remember to quiet myself, ask what’s on my mind, and then trust.

Regardless of how insightful our Yodas’ advice may be, for us to grow, we can listen to their thoughts, but ultimately our power is within — we must trust ourselves. After all, only we have the roadmap for this lifetime. While our Yodas’ personal destinations may be spectacular, they are not ours. That is why we must blaze our own path.

Trust yourself. Your intuition and knowing will guide you to opportunities, experiences, and relationships designed for your highest development. Be still, become curious, then wait. You have the answers, but first you must believe.


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